Will My Hernia Repair Require Mesh?

Hernia repair in ChicagoThere are different types of hernias and also different ways surgeons can repair them. Nowadays, many hernia repairs involve the use of a surgical mesh material.

If you have a hernia that needs repair, you may question whether your treatment will require mesh. Unfortunately it is difficult to say with certainty whether your hernia repair will require mesh. Every patient is unique and every hernia is unique; what works for someone else may not work for you. There are a lot of nuanced and patient-specific factors that come into play when deciding on a treatment plan.

An in-person consultation with hernia surgeon Gregory Dumanian is needed. During your appointment, Dr. Dumanian will evaluate your case and determine the surgical repair technique that is right for you.

Under the right circumstances, mesh is a safe and reliable option. Read on to learn why Dr. Dumanian uses mesh whenever appropriate.

What Is Mesh?

“Mesh” refers to a sheet of prosthetic material that helps to cover or patch the hernia instead of simply stitching it together. Some hernia meshes are permanent and others degrade over time. Most meshes are made from synthetic materials. Rarely, Dr. Dumanian uses biologic mesh (made from bovine or porcine tissue) to help with an abdominal wall closure.

Advantages of Using Mesh in Hernia Repair

The evolution of mesh use in hernia repair has substantially lowered the rate of hernia recurrence.

In traditional hernia repairs, the hernia was simply stitched closed. This technique resulted in a considerable amount of complications. Heavy forces or tension on the sutures caused them to cut through the abdominal wall.

Using mesh reinforces the abdominal wall, and limits tearing of the tissues by sutures. It allows tension on the healing area to be spread across the abdominal wall; this enables patients to have normal movement after surgery.

Possible Risks of Using Mesh

Like any medical device, there are possible risks. For example, because mesh is a foreign object placed in the body, there is the risk of infection if it becomes contaminated during or after surgery. Also, mesh placed in the abdomen can cause scar tissue that leads to a bowel obstruction.

However, when hernia repair with mesh is performed by an experienced, skilled surgeon like Dr. Dumanian, the risk of these complications is minimized.

When you trust your hernia repair to Dr. Dumanian, you can feel confident your surgeon is a reputable authority in mesh hernia repair. He will help you weigh your options and advise you as to the safest and most effective approach. To request an appointment with Dr. Dumanian to discuss your case, please contact our office today.