Month: June 2014

How to Choose Your Breast Implants

The placement of breast implants is a highly personalized procedure with many variables to consider. What works for one woman won’t necessarily work for the next. Chicago breast implants surgeon Gregory Dumanian has compiled a short guide to the various breast implant options. Filling Material Dr. Dumanian offers saline and silicone gel implants. There are…Read More…

What happens to the muscles on the side after a components release? Do they weaken?

There are three side muscles–the external oblique, the internal oblique, and the transversus abdominis.  The most common version of the components release hernia repair cuts the external oblique muscle as it inserts onto the vertical rectus abdominis muscles.  The side muscles become more compliant (stretchy) with the external oblique cut, allowing the rectus abdominis muscles…Read More…