Five Things That Are Off-Limits After Hernia Surgery

Hernia surgery and recovery ChicagoAfter hernia surgery, a successful outcome depends in large part on the recovery period. You have a key role to play in that recovery, mostly by following your doctor’s list of do’s and don’ts for optimal healing.

Below, trusted Chicago plastic surgeon Dr. Gregory Dumanian highlights some of the activities and behaviors that you should avoid during this critical period.

Vigorous physical activity

Even if this were not obvious, your body would remind you of the importance of taking it easy during the first weeks of recovery. You’ll feel pain engaging in certain physical activities, and that pain is an indication you could be damaging tissue as it attempts to heal.

In your first week, moderate walking is the only recommended physical activity. This helps prevent the formation of blood clots, while also avoiding putting unnecessary strain on recovering muscle and tissue. Running and jumping are off limits for the first several months.

Lifting, pushing and pulling

Some types of physical activity are especially prone to putting strain on the abdomen and potentially causing a new breach at the site of your incisions. In the first week, do not lift anything heavier than 10 pounds, or more than 20 pounds by the second week. By week two you can increase the frequency and duration of your walks, however.


Avoid driving for the first one to two weeks. The medications that will be prescribed for you may impair your ability to drive safely, and driving may also strain the abdomen.

Swimming and baths

Immersion in water can interfere with proper healing of your incisions, but showering is fine. During this period, wash gently with soap and water to maintain personal hygiene. Gently pat the area dry.

Certain foods

Foods that stretch the abdomen or promote constipation are off limits. Constipation puts a strain on the gastrointestinal tract, and eating or drinking to excess will distend the abdomen, as will any food that produces gas during digestion, such as beans, lentils, peas, corn, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower or carbonated drinks.

To learn more about hernia surgery and recovery, please contact our Chicago office at (312) 695-6022 today to schedule your visit with Dr. Dumanian.