What Causes Rectus Diastasis?

Rectus Diastasis Treatment in ChicagoRectus diastasis, or diastasis recti, is a condition where the two sides of the rectus abdominis muscles have separated. Your rectus abdominis muscles are the muscles that run up and down the abdomen from the breastbone to the pubic bone. They are the muscles that you see if a person has a six-pack.

Rectus diastasis can have many causes and can impact people during all stages of life. Here Dr. Gregory Dumanian discusses what causes rectus diastasis.


Pregnancy is the most common cause of rectus diastasis. During pregnancy, the uterus grows and causes the abdomen muscles to stretch. This can cause the rectus abdominis muscles to become separated. You may be at greater risk of developing rectus diastasis during pregnancy if you:

  • Are older than 35
  • Have carried multiples
  • Have delivered a high-birth-weight baby
  • Have had repeated pregnancies

Rectus diastasis can impact your physical appearance and overall health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, because the tissue between the muscles has been permanently stretched, no amount of exercise will restore the shape of the abdomen.

Excessive Weight in the Abdominal Area

Excessive weight in the abdominal area can put pressure on the abdominal muscles. This can cause these muscles to stretch and separate. Individuals who are overweight and carry weight in the abdominal area may be at risk for rectus diastasis. You can lower your risk by maintaining a healthy weight. This is a common cause of rectus diastasis in men, and occurs starting in the 40s or 50s.

Rapid Weight Fluctuations

Rapid weight fluctuations, such as gaining a large amount of weight and/or quickly losing weight, can cause rectus diastasis. This is because the weight fluctuations can cause the connective tissue to stretch and weaken. Yo-yo dieting often causes rapid weight fluctuations and should be avoided.

Rib Cage Anatomy

Patients may be predisposed to rectus diastasis due to the shape of the rib cage. Patients with a narrow flare of the ribs onto the abdomen are protected from the muscles separating. There is nothing that can be done about this!

Medical Conditions

A more serious cause of rectus diastasis is increased intraabdominal volume due to enlarged organs (such as a very large uterus), tumors, and/or abdominal fluid called ascites. Fortunately, these causes of rectus diastasis are uncommon. Dr. Dumanian will assess your medical history to determine if this could be a cause of your condition.

Learn About Your Rectus Diastasis Surgical Repair Options

Dr. Dumanian is an international expert in the repair of rectus diastasis. He provides patients with customized treatment plans to address their rectus diastasis concerns. Call (312) 695-6022 today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Dumanian at his Northwestern office.