Gynecomastia: Separating Fact from Fiction

Gynecomastia Surgeon in ChicagoGynecomastia is a common condition that results in the enlargement of breast tissue in men and boys. Those with gynecomastia may feel shame or embarrassment over their condition. If you have gynecomastia, you may be frustrated by the amount of disinformation surrounding the condition. Dr. Gregory Dumanian is here to help. Read on as he separates fact from fiction to dispel common misconceptions about gynecomastia.

Fiction: Gynecomastia Is Rare

Gynecomastia is a common condition impacting males of all ages. It will impact most men at some point in their lives.

Fiction: Gynecomastia Is Caused by Excess Fat

Excess fat can make a chest look larger and may contribute to the appearance of male breasts. However, gynecomastia occurs when a male has enlarged breast tissue, not just fat.

Fact: Gynecomastia Can Have Many Causes

Gynecomastia can have many causes. Gynecomastia is most often caused by normal hormonal changes. It can occur when male estrogen levels are too high or out of balance with testosterone levels. It is common in male infants, teenage boys, and older men who are experiencing hormonal changes.

Gynecomastia can have other causes, including the following: medications, drugs, alcohol, health conditions and herbal products.

Fact: You Can Avoid Certain Causes of Gynecomastia

You cannot avoid all causes of gynecomastia and you may not be able to control your hormonal fluctuations. However, you can avoid certain causes of gynecomastia through your personal choices. You can choose to avoid drugs and only drink alcohol in moderation. You can also review your medications and talk to your doctor about alternatives to any medications that may cause gynecomastia.

Fiction: Exercise Can Get Rid of Male Breasts

Exercise will not eliminate breast tissue. Exercise can only help to reduce fatty tissue in the breasts. Keep in mind that chest-focused exercises can actually make the chest appear more pronounced.

Fact: Gynecomastia Can Go Away on Its Own

In some instances, gynecomastia can go away on its own. For infants and teenage boys, gynecomastia usually goes away on its own as hormones normalize.

Fact: Surgery Can Treat Gynecomastia

You do not have to live with gynecomastia. It is possible to get gynecomastia surgery to reduce breast size and improve the chest’s appearance by flattening and enhancing the chest contours.

Consult with Dr. Dumanian

Dr. Dumanian has experience providing surgical treatment to men experiencing gynecomastia. To discuss your surgical options, call his Chicago office at (312) 695-6022 to set up an appointment.