Questions Patients Commonly Ask After Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck surgery in ChicagoNo matter how many times he performs abdominoplasty, Dr. Gregory Dumanian understands that it is his responsibility to give his patients as much information as possible to make the surgery and ensuing recovery process as smooth as possible.

Many of his patients share the same questions following their tummy tuck procedures, and Dr. Dumanian is glad to share his wisdom for added peace of mind:

When Can I Return to My Job?

Most patients take a total of two weeks off of work, but situations differ on a case-by-case basis. The nature of your work should be taken into account; there is obviously quite a difference between sitting at a desk and lifting heavy objects. Patients that do heavy lifting as a part of their job may even need 4-6 weeks off from work. Work from home during the COVID pandemic has allowed some patients to recover at home while still working at their jobs.

If you feel as though you can return to work ahead of schedule, be sure to consult with Dr. Dumanian for approval. Too much activity while you heal could wind up prolonging the recovery process.

How about Exercise?

For any kind of serious physical activity, Dr. Dumanian recommends waiting six weeks to two months. Much depends on the type of repair and the amount of tightening performed. Some patients receive sutures to tighten the abdominal wall, and others with higher demands on their bodies and with wider separation of the muscles receive mesh. When you are feeling well enough to resume exercising, be sure to ease into activity gradually so as not to overdo it on your recovering body. Non-impact exercises, including walking, swimming, biking and elliptical training, are preferred initially before impact exercises such as jogging. Stomach crunches and sit-ups are not recommended as part of the work-out routine.

How Long Will My Tummy Tuck Results Last?

The new look you have following tummy tuck should last indefinitely, but that assumes that you adopt a proper diet and exercise routine to maintain your current weight. Remember, a tummy tuck is a procedure that removes loose skin and adds contour to your abdomen; it is not a magic fix that keeps you thin forever.

What If I Decide to Have More Children in the Coming Years?

The reason Dr. Dumanian often discourages women from having a tummy tuck if they are considering expanding their family is simply because pregnancy changes the body and is likely to undo a lot of the work this procedure has accomplished. In no way is a tummy tuck dangerous to a future pregnancy or something that will prevent you from becoming pregnant again.

Life happens, and sometimes our plans change. If you become pregnant or want to become pregnant, by all means, go ahead. Then, if you later decide to get a second tummy tuck after your next pregnancy, you certainly would not be the first to do so!

Consult with Dr. Dumanian

Dr. Dumanian will schedule multiple follow-up appointments after tummy tuck surgery to check on your progress, which is a perfect opportunity for him to offer more in-depth answers to these questions and any others you may have.

To discuss whether you are a good candidate for tummy tuck, call his Chicago office at (312) 695-6022 to set up an appointment.