Hernia Myths and Misconceptions

Hernia treatment in ChicagoAfter over two decades of treating patients, Dr. Gregory Dumanian has heard pretty much every bit of misinformation that circulates about hernias. Especially with a condition that can have such serious consequences, that is why it is important to get the facts about hernias directly from a doctor.

Among the myths and misconceptions that Dr. Dumanian can clear up immediately are:

You Would Know If You Have a Hernia

On the contrary, plenty of people have hernias, but the symptoms are not present or significant enough to clue them in on the trouble brewing. Routine checkups with your physician are beneficial to look for signs of hernias that you may have missed or been clueless about.

Honestly, it can be advantageous to have the symptoms manifest so that you know to seek medical care for the problem. Pay attention for a bulge that may form beneath your skin, along with pain or discomfort in that same area that becomes exacerbated when you lift heavy objects. A new bulge associated with nausea or vomiting is a potentially serious condition that needs to be evaluated by a physician promptly.

You Can Heal Your Own Hernia

Reading the internet, you can find all sorts of wellness websites that prescribe yoga and smoothies to “cure” your hernia. It is a real shame that sources claiming to promote healthy living would give such irresponsible advice.

To be clear: hernias do not go away on their own, even if you adopt a healthier lifestyle. Once you have a hernia, it is critical to receive professional medical attention to correct the problem or else you could endanger your own life. Hernias do not go away on their own.

A subtlety is rectus diastasis after pregnancy. Rectus diastasis is a bulge, and is not a true hernia. The stretched tissues in the front of the abdomen of rectus diastasis can recover with time and sometimes with physical therapy. However, the weakened tissues of rectus diastasis can be associated with epigastric hernias and umbilical hernias, so it warrants being seen by Dr. Dumanian for an evaluation.

Mesh Is an Unnecessary Part of Hernia Surgery

The more recent pushback on mesh is undoubtedly the result of certain complications that have arisen at the hands of some doctors. If you encounter a doctor who is not comfortable using mesh, it is unadvisable to seek that procedure from him or her.

Mesh may not be absolutely necessary, but the question should be whether the risks from those complications outweigh the risks of not using mesh.

As for Dr. Dumanian, he opts to use mesh in the vast majority of his hernia patients, finding it highly successful at both treating the hernia and minimizing the rate of recurrence. Plus, he has the statistics from his personal patients to support that approach.

To discuss specific hernia procedures and develop the right treatment plan for your body, go to Dr. Dumanian, one of Chicago’s most trusted experts. To schedule an appointment at his Northwestern office, send an email or call (312) 695-6022.