Why Prompt Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Is Important

If you are experiencing pain, tingling, numbness, weakness, or clumsiness in your fingers or hands, you may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. Waking up in the morning and shaking your hand to make it stop hurting and to restore feeling is a telltale sign of carpal tunnel. You should consult with a physician if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms. Here, Dr. Gregory Dumanian of Northwestern Plastic Surgery discusses carpal tunnel syndrome and explains why prompt treatment of carpal tunnel is important.

What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is due to a pinched nerve. It is incredible that carpal tunnel was only understood as a medical condition in the 1950s!

Your hand has three nerves: median, ulnar and radial. These nerves are responsible for sensory and motor function in the hand. The median nerve extends from the forearm into the palm of the hand. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway in the wrist that houses the median nerve and tendons that bend the fingers. Carpal tunnel syndrome results from pinching of the median nerve as it travels from the forearm into the wrist. For whatever reason that physicians do not understand, swelling around the tendons (called tendonitis) occurs, and the extra swollen tissue places new pressure on the nerve. Getting rid of the tendonitis helps the carpal tunnel to improve.

Why Is Prompt Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Important?

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, you should see a doctor immediately. Your doctor can diagnose the cause of your symptoms and provide guidance regarding treatment. Keep in mind that just because you are experiencing tingling, numbness or weakness in your fingers or hands does not necessarily mean that you have carpal tunnel syndrome. However, if you are diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, prompt treatment is important for the following reasons:

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Will Not Resolve on Its Own

If you are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, prompt treatment is important because carpal tunnel syndrome will not resolve on its own. Without treatment, it can actually worsen over time and in some instances the effects can become permanent. Something you can try until you see the doctor is to buy a “carpal tunnel splint”. This is designed to be worn at night and keeps the wrist straight. Don’t put it on too tight! Pinching is partly relieved with the wrist held straight. It can take weeks to months of time to improve a pinched median nerve.

Early Intervention Offers a Number of Treatment Options

The sooner you decide to treat your carpal tunnel syndrome, the sooner you can begin exploring treatment options. Prompt treatment means that you may have a number of options available to you including the following:

  • Splinting as described above
  • Cortisone injection
  • Physical therapy
  • Surgery

Carpal tunnel during pregnancy

Carpal tunnel symptoms can act up during pregnancy. As surgery is often not a good idea during pregnancy, splinting and a cortisone shot tend to bring relief until the baby is born. When the swollen state of pregnancy resolves, the carpal tunnel does not tend to return. Unfortunately, if you developed carpal tunnel during pregnancy, you are at a higher risk of developing it later in life.

Cortisone shots

Cortisone is an injection of medicine in the wrist to help bring down swelling around tendons and to un-pinch the median nerve. Cortisone has risks, such as hitting the nerve with the injection needle, not getting the medicine in the correct place, and a lightening or discoloration of the skin. Ask your doctor about these issues before you receive an injection. The effects of cortisone  are temporary; it does not provide for permanent improvement.

Learn About Your Carpal Tunnel Treatment Options

Are you ready to learn about your carpal tunnel treatment options? Then contact Dr. Dumanian at Northwestern Plastic Surgery in Chicago. Call (312) 694-2428 today to schedule a consultation.