What Happens If a Hernia Is Left Untreated?

Doctors Discuss Untreated HerniaAs a patient, you have the ultimate say in decisions about your medical care. But if you have been diagnosed with a hernia, you should take the treatment recommendations of your doctor very seriously. Based on the size and severity of your hernia, and whether you are experiencing symptoms, your doctor may recommend having surgery now to repair the hernia, or monitoring the hernia closely for a few months before proceeding with treatment.

What happens if your doctor recommends repairing your hernia, but you opt not to follow their advice? Are there any health implications for leaving a hernia untreated? Read on as Dr. Gregory Dumanian explains what can happen.

Will a Hernia Go Away on Its Own?

Other than umbilical hernias in babies, an untreated hernia is not likely to disappear on its own. It is more likely to continue to cause pain and pressure. Hernias can actually get bigger, causing even more discomfort.

Neglecting to repair a hernia may put you at risk of serious complications. Part of the intestine can become stuck in the hernia pouch, causing nausea, vomiting and excruciating pain. Or worse, part of the intestines can become trapped in a way that cuts off its blood supply. This is called strangulation. If strangulation were to occur, emergency surgery would be needed almost immediately to prevent life-threatening complications.

How Is a Hernia Treated?

If you decide to take your doctor’s recommendation about having your hernia treated, you should trust your procedure to a knowledgeable surgeon with extensive experience. Dr. Dumanian is well regarded in Chicago and beyond as a leading authority in hernia repair.

The treatment of your hernia depends on its severity. With simpler hernias, Dr. Dumanian can stitch together the surrounding muscles to eliminate the weakness. With larger, more complicated hernias, Dr. Dumanian may need to add a mesh material to close the opening in the muscle and strengthen the area.

Contact Dr. Gregory Dumanian

For more information about hernia repair and what it involves, Dr. Dumanian is happy to answer questions during an in-person consultation. Please contact our Chicago office at (312) 695-6022 today to schedule your visit with Dr. Dumanian.