How to Handle Constipation Before and After Hernia Surgery

Constipation after hernia repair Chicago

Constipation is a common issue among hernia patients before and after hernia repair surgery. While this affects many people, most are unaware of the risk of constipation and how to handle being backed up. Dr. Gregory Dumanian is a renowned surgeon in Chicago, Illinois, who has performed countless repair surgeries. He has these tips for constipation while dealing with a hernia or recovering from hernia repair. 

Hydration Prevents and Relieves Constipation

Drinking water is one of the best ways to ease constipation because it can soften hardened stool, making it easier to pass a bowel movement. Dr. Dumanian recommends drinking plenty of water before surgery and as soon as you are allowed to take liquids after the hernia procedure. The pain medications prescribed for recovery can also lead to constipation, and early and ongoing hydration can ease that side effect.

Prune juice is an excellent way to hydrate and relieve constipation because it’s rich in fiber (which helps bowel movements) and sorbitol (which speeds up the digestive system). Drinking eight to 10 ounces of prune juice a day can help during hernia recovery.

Improve Digestion and Bowel Movements with Better Nutrition

High-fiber foods, such as berries, avocados, beans, and broccoli, are healthy ways to aid digestion and decrease constipation. While you may crave comfort foods, such as pizza, burgers, and potatoes during recovery, avoiding highly processed foods is best to prevent constipation. Stick with whole grains, vegetables, beans, and fruits to promote bowel movements. Cooking with olive oil and eating yogurt can also improve digestion and make it easier to void your bowels.

Get Moving to Promote Bowel Movements

Dr. Dumanian recommends taking brief walks as soon as possible after hernia repair surgery. Movement promotes digestive health and pushes your body to move hardened stool through the stomach. A short five-to-10-minute walk improves constipation and increases blood flow to help your body heal without putting too much stress on your body too soon.

Medications for Constipation

Some patients may start a stool softener before hernia surgery and may discuss possible medical interventions, such as laxatives. Stool softeners are a great way to improve and prevent constipation, and over-the-counter options such as Colace and Metamucil can work well before and after hernia repair. Laxatives are often the last resort as these treatments force a bowel movement and come with side effects. Milk of magnesia is a mild laxative often recommended to patients after hernia surgery.

Having a Bowel Movement After Hernia Surgery

Dealing with constipation is frustrating and painful enough, but attempting to pass hardened stool after surgery is even more challenging and risky. Sitting on the toilet can trigger the muscles responsible for bowel movements. Don’t strain, push or force a bowel movement to avoid damaging the repaired hernia. Instead, bring a book or your phone and try to relax so your body can take care of the rest.

Contact Dr. Dumanian in Chicago, Illinois

If you have questions about hernia repair, contact our board-certified surgeon at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Dumanian by calling (312) 695-6022.