Getting Back to Your Pre-Baby Waistline With Dr. Dumanian

Pre-baby body in ChicagoHave you had one or more pregnancies that stretched your abdominal skin so much that it didn’t shrink back after delivery? You’re not alone. Many women find their abdominal skin is significantly looser after having children. In addition to the loose skin, excess belly fat and weakened or separated abdominal muscles are very common after kids.

No matter how much time you spend exercising or how strict your diet is, you may never be able to reclaim your pre-baby waistline without surgical repair. Take a moment to learn about a safe, effective solution from renowned plastic surgeon Gregory Dumanian.

Attain a Flat, Firm Stomach With Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck surgery is an outpatient procedure that addresses the cosmetic concerns brought on by pregnancy. It improves the appearance of the stomach by repairing separated abdominal muscles (i.e., rectus diastasis), removing excess fat pockets and eliminating excess skin. The remaining skin is pulled tighter over the abdomen for a flatter, firmer abdominal contour.

Correcting rectus diastasis is not just about looks – it also addresses functional issues, too. For example, rectus diastasis can cause discomfort and pain, poor balance and the loss of core strength. Losing core strength can make other parts of the body, like the back, work harder when walking up a flight of stairs, exercising or performing other day-to-day activities. Addressing these issues through tummy tuck can improve personal comfort and overall quality of life.

Are You a Good Candidate for Tummy Tuck?

You may be a good candidate for tummy tuck if you:

  • Have folds of loose skin or a skin “apron” on your lower abdomen after children
  • Have been diagnosed with rectus diastasis after pregnancy
  • Are in good general health
  • Do not plan to gain or lose a significant amount of weight after surgery
  • Do not plan to become pregnant after surgery

The best way to determine whether tummy tuck is right for you is to personally consult with Dr. Dumanian during a one-on-one consultation. He will perform a comprehensive examination, talk to you about your concerns and recommend the most suitable course of action.

To request an appointment with the surgeon, please call or email our office today.