4 Things To Avoid During Tummy Tuck Recovery

Tummy tuck recovery in ChicagoPreparing for tummy tuck is an exciting time — it’s thrilling to think about the beautiful results you will soon enjoy. But tummy tuck is a major operation, and you want to be careful not to rush the recovery process. Avoiding certain risky habits and behaviors can help ensure a smooth, safe recovery and a stunning result. Read on as Dr. Gregory Dumanian reveals four things to avoid during tummy tuck recovery.

1. Excessive or Strenuous Movement

Plan to lay low right after your tummy tuck surgery. At first, you may not have much of a choice: your energy will probably be limited, and it may be uncomfortable to move around a lot. Make it easier on yourself by prepping your recovery space ahead of time so you can stay off of your feet.

Prior to surgery, run necessary errands and place all of your recovery essentials (e.g., pain relievers, ice packs) where they are easy to grab from your bed or couch. Try to set up your space near your kitchen and bathroom for your comfort and convenience. Do not place any needed items in spots where you would need to bend or stretch to reach them. Recruit a loved one to help out around the house and go to the store if you need anything.

As your energy slowly returns, light walking is encouraged to promote circulation and healing. But strenuous activity or vigorous exercise is off-limits for at least four to six weeks.

2. Drinking or Smoking

Smoking can not only delay your recovery but also interfere with your final result and cause prominent scars. Alcohol is also off-limits during recovery, as it interferes with proper healing, dehydrates you and does not mix well with pain relievers. Dr. Dumanian will give you a clear timeline of when it is OK to enjoy a cocktail again after surgery.

3. High-Sodium Foods

Proper diet is essential after tummy tuck surgery. Eating lots of fresh produce and lean protein will help fuel your body as it recuperates. On the other hand, salty foods can hinder your recovery by worsening swelling. Avoid foods that are high in sodium or overly processed (i.e., soft drinks, frozen meals, fast food).

4. Sexual Activity

Like all other types of strenuous activity, sexual activity after a tummy tuck requires common sense.  The abdominal surgery site should be fairly pain-free before activities with a partner, and this can take three to six weeks after surgery.

Contact Our Chicago Tummy Tuck Surgeon

Dr. Dumanian will make himself available to you during your tummy tuck recovery to answer questions and address any concerns. To learn more about what to avoid after tummy tuck or more about the procedure itself, please give us a call or send us an email today.