Category: Breast Augmentation

Can Asymmetrical Breasts Be Corrected with Breast Augmentation?

For many women, breast asymmetry is a common concern. In some cases, the difference in size or shape between the breasts is subtle, while in others, it may be more noticeable, affecting body confidence and self-esteem. The good news is that breast augmentation can provide a solution, offering balance and symmetry. Dr. Dumanian, a highly…Read More…

Options for Addressing Asymmetrical Breasts

Breast asymmetry occurs when one breast is clearly larger or shaped differently than the other. Asymmetry can also be apparent between breasts that are positioned differently on the chest wall. Noticeable breast asymmetry can cause feelings of shame, embarrassment, and low self-confidence. Hence, many women opt for surgical procedures to address the issue of asymmetry….Read More…

Restore a Previous Breast Size with Breast Augmentation

A full, perky breast appearance is often a source of confidence for women. Unfortunately, many factors can influence the size, shape, and position of the breasts. If you are interested in regaining fuller breasts, you may benefit from breast augmentation at Northwest Plastic Surgery. Here, Dr. Dumanian uses this procedure to safely increase the size…Read More…

A Breast Lift After Breastfeeding? Why Women Choose Breast Surgery to Restore Their Busts

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are joyous for many women, but these experiences take a toll on the body with permanent changes to the breasts. Women who are finished breastfeeding may struggle with losing the voluptuous, youthful breasts from their pre-pregnancy life. Moderate to severe breast ptosis (drooping) is normal after breastfeeding. Breast lift with Dr. Gregory…Read More…

How to Choose Your Breast Implants

The placement of breast implants is a highly personalized procedure with many variables to consider. What works for one woman won’t necessarily work for the next. Chicago breast implants surgeon Gregory Dumanian has compiled a short guide to the various breast implant options. Filling Material Dr. Dumanian offers saline and silicone gel implants. There are…Read More…