Options for Addressing Asymmetrical Breasts

Asymmetrical Breast Treatment in Chicago – Breast Correction Breast asymmetry occurs when one breast is clearly larger or shaped differently than the other. Asymmetry can also be apparent between breasts that are positioned differently on the chest wall.

Noticeable breast asymmetry can cause feelings of shame, embarrassment, and low self-confidence. Hence, many women opt for surgical procedures to address the issue of asymmetry. Dr. Dumanian works with patients bothered by visibly asymmetrical breasts in Chicago; in this post, he discusses the causes of asymmetrical breasts as well as various treatment options available to address the problem.

What Causes Asymmetrical Breasts?

Asymmetrical breasts can be linked to a variety of factors, including genetics, hormonal fluctuations and developmental abnormalities. Congenital breast asymmetry may be present at birth, but in most cases, is not noticeable until puberty or adulthood.

Additionally, factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight variations, and aging can contribute to breast asymmetry. Understanding the underlying causes of asymmetrical breasts can help guide the conversation around the most appropriate treatment approach.

Procedures That Address Asymmetrical Breasts

One or more cosmetic procedures may be performed to address asymmetrical breasts. These procedures include breast augmentation, breast reduction, and breast lift.

Breast augmentation involves the placement of implants (or less commonly, the transfer of the patient’s own body fat) to increase the size and volume of breasts. Augmentation can be used to enhance the smaller breast, bringing it into better proportion with the larger one. During the procedure, Dr. Dumanian carefully selects the appropriate implant size and shape to achieve symmetry.

In cases where one breast is significantly larger than the other, breast reduction surgery may be recommended. The surgeon removes excess breast tissue, fat, and skin from the larger breast to create a more proportionate appearance between both breasts.

Breast lift surgery, clinically known as mastopexy, is another option for addressing asymmetrical breasts. It helps bring the left and right breasts in line with one another. The procedure involves removing excess skin and reshaping the breast tissue to lift one or both breasts. By restoring firmness and improving breast projection and position, breast lift can enhance symmetry.

Sometimes, a combination of breast surgery techniques may be necessary to achieve the desired outcome. For example, a patient may undergo breast augmentation on one side and breast lift or reduction on the other to achieve symmetry.

Book Your Appointment In Chicago

Addressing asymmetrical breasts can significantly improve self-confidence and enhance overall body proportions. If you would like to learn more, call us at (312) 695-6022 and schedule an appointment with Dr. Dumanian.

We can help you achieve a more balanced and symmetrical appearance. Take the first step toward a more confident and harmonious silhouette by booking your appointment today.