Large midline incisional hernia in a man. Repaired with components separation technique and mesh.
Male with a midline incisional hernia after a laparotomy. Four month result after hernia repair and creation of new umbilicus.
Young female with scarred midline and hernia after laparotomy. Her postoperative result one year after surgery to repair her hernia with mesh shows a markedly improved hourglass shape.
Male with a large incisional ventral hernia, repaired with a components separation mesh technique and creation of a new umbilicus.
Upper abdominal male incisional hernia, repaired with a components release technique with mesh.
Female with an upper abdominal hernia that developed after a wound infection. Repaired with a retro-rectus mesh hernia repair technique.
Multiply recurrent incisional hernia, repaired with a components separation mesh technique. He does heavy lifting, and and his hernia repair has remained intact.
Truly massive incisional hernia, repaired with a components separation technique are removal of a large amount of skin.
Upper abdominal hernia in a female who had a prior abdominoplasty. It was repaired through a midline incision with mesh.
Large abdominal hernia with both right and left side ostomy scars. Repaired with a components release technique and mesh.
Upper abdominal male hernia, repaired with a components separation technique and mesh.
Lower abdominal hernia and an ostomy site hernia in this patient, repaired with a retro-rectus mesh. Nine month result. Creation of a new umbilicus.
Lower midline hernia repaired with a retro-rectus mesh technique and creation of a new umbilicus.
Upper abdomoinal incisional hernia repaired with a components separation technique and mesh.
Midline abdominal incisional hernia after a wound infection. Repaired with a components separation technique and mesh
Midline incisional hernia, and hernias of old ileostomy and colostomy sites. Postoperative front view three months after components release repair of incisional and ostomy site hernias with mesh, creation of new umbilicus.
Massive midline ventral hernia in transplantation patient. Eighteen month result of components separation hernia repair with mesh.
Large hernia and rectus diastasis. Components separation ventral hernia repair with mesh, creation of new umbilicus.